a. Adults

We aim to help the adult – working participants (regardless of age) start learning a new language or revise what they already know and move on. This is achieved imperceptibly through a score of stimulating activities which make language learning fun and a welcome change from the confines of the office or the pressures of one’s daily routine. Social and business contexts along with specific areas of interest make the adult learner want to learn, especially as they do so at their own pace and see the results.


b. Children

Our primary concern here is to make the children like and love the language they are learning and not treat it as an additional source of anxiety and pressure that will pay off (if it ever will) in the distant future. To achieve that, we emphasize the use of technology, which attracts their attention.


This way, when children and teenagers sit language exams, they see it as a personal challenge, a bet they have to win rather than as a means to prove to others what they are capable of achieving.


Especially for teenagers, we make every effort to provide them with stimulating material which is closely related to their interests and everyday life (current trends, music, fashion, cinema, etc.). After a short time, parents can realize that Debate methods make the children more communicative, self-confident and interested.

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